Icon to use when no icon specified for domain.
Panel to show when no panel is picked.
Entity ID of the default view.
Domains that show no more info dialog.
Domains that should have the history hidden in the more info dialog.
Domains where we allow toggle in Lovelace.
Domains that have a state card.
Domains with separate more info dialog.
States that we consider "off".
Temperature units.
Apply a theme to an element by setting the CSS variables on it.
element: Element to apply theme on. themes: HASS Theme information localTheme: selected theme. updateMeta: boolean if we should update the theme-color meta element.
Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not be triggered. It will be called after it stops being called for wait
This can be usefull for ResizeObservers for example.
The function you want to debounce
Period to wait in ms
Triggering on the leading edge instead of the trailing
Debounced Function
Dispatches a custom event with an optional detail value.
Name of event type.
Detail value containing event-specific payload.
The new event that was fired.
Formats a number based on the specified language with thousands separator(s) and decimal character for better legibility.
The number to format
The user-selected language and number format, from hass.locale
Intl.NumberFormatOptions to use
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